Site Analysis Checklist for a New Building Construction Project

Site analysis is one of the first and most important things that should be done before any work can commence at a construction site. This kind of analysis is carried out to gain an understanding of the jobsite and the features in its environment, as well as constraints and opportunities for construction. If you are new to the construction industry, you may want to know what a site analysis covers. A typical site analysis plan for a building construction project should involve checking the following important things:

The dimensions and overall size of the lot

The length, width and overall size of the land on which you intend to construct a building directly affects the shape, size and design of the proposed structure. Naturally, the footprint of the building you construct can never exceed the area of the land available for the construction job. A site analysis helps a building contractor know how big or small the site is and how it is shaped, so that they can develop a building design that matches the physical requirements of the land.

The condition of the soil

Before getting started with the construction work, it is important to know that not all soil types are equal. Some soils are stable and can be used for building construction purposes in their original state, whereas others are unstable and cannot be used for construction purposes without stabilisation. A site analysis will help assess the condition of the soil so that the building erected onsite will remain strong for years and years and will be safe for human occupation. If this kind of assessment is not carried out and the soil at the construction site happens to be expansive or weak, then any building constructed there may collapse at any time, during or after the construction process.

The presence of other structures on or adjacent to the site

Before erecting a new building at a construction site, it is important to take any development existing onsite into consideration. The height and location of adjacent buildings can help you determine exactly where to erect the proposed building and where the new building should face. Existing structures can also impact important decisions such as the location of the windows and where all amenities to be connected to the building should be installed. 

Clearly, carrying out site analysis prior to embarking on a building construction job is key to ensuring that the project is performed successfully, so you should never overlook the significance of such analysis. 
